Saturday, February 09, 2013


Last week both Secretary of Defense, Leon Panetta, and the Joint Chief of Staff General, Martin Dempsey, reluctantly testified before the Senate Armed Services Committee that, once President Obama was told about the start of the attacks on the American Consulate in Benghazi, Libya on September 11, 2012, he said that they should "do whatever they needed to do" ... then disappeared for the rest of the night (see: Huffington Post Story ... and read down to get some of the details and, also of course, some spin).  No phone calls to check on how things were going.  No additional instructions.  No follow-up visits to the White House Situation Room.  Nothing ... for the eight hours of the attacks.  (The same lack of concern and follow-up were displayed by Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton.)

Now Obama is the Commander in Chief and any military response to this situation would have required his direct approval.  But he was incognito for whatever reason(s) ... and his dereliction of duty under these dire circumstances is reprehensible ... particularly since four Americans were killed as a consequence.  Our President was, in fact, absent without leave.

Given a screw-up this monumental on Obama's and Hillary Clinton's part, it is not a surprise (to me anyway) that they then concocted the bogus story that some obscure anti-Muslim video was behind the Benghazi murders.  And they stuck by this silly story for over a week ... and are still blaming the fog of faulty intelligence for their conduct.  Wouldn't it be nice if we could also hear from the survivors of this Benghazi massacre?

"What difference does it make!?"  Quite a bit, Hillary ... quite a bit.  This story is not going to disappear.

Afterward: see: Obama Lied, Hillary Cried, People Died (borrowed) and The Diplomad's Comments


  1. The story has already disappeared from mainstream discussions. Posturing that these 4 unfortunate deaths constitutes the biggest screwup since Watergate gets you nowhere. They had the hearings and the accusers could not find an impeachable moment.

  2. Obama slept, parents wept ...

  3. I stand corrected, Sen Graham has brought it back into MSM threatening to block cabinet nomination hearings. He is a buffoon. Like the birthers, this will end with a whimper.

  4. Not with a bang ... like it ended in Benghazi on 9/11/12 ...
