Friday, February 01, 2013

All Hat and No Cattle

There is a Texas put-down that describes Chuck Hagel perfectly, “All hat and no cattle.”  And after his fumbling performance in front of the Senate Armed Services Committee yesterday (see: Free Beacon Quotes),  I am even questioning the “hat” piece.  He was attempting to answer queries leading up to his confirmation as Obama’s new Secretary of Defense ... in which he flubbed just about every opportunity to display some intelligence and preparation.  His responses on Iran and Israel were particularly inept where he was unable to walk back his extreme positions and still maintain a shred of credibility and character … see Politico Story.

Why would such a buffoon be nominated to serve in such a critical position at such a critical time?  I think it is because his previously expressed attitudes on containing Iran (allowing it to become a nuclear power) and his animosity toward Israel, both are perfectly congruent with President Obama’s.  (And also were in agreement with Hillary Clinton’s attitudes on these two issues ... but, even with her leaving, John Kerry is so pliant, that I’m sure he will easily morph into her ideology.)  Chuck Hagel is an extreme expression of the Peter Principle ... rising to his level of his incompetence. He can’t manage his way out of a paper bag.   If confirmed, he will be [mis]leading our defense establishment during a period of drastic retrenchment and metaphysical challenges.  This would be the equivalent of making Gomer Pyle the head of the WW-2 D-Day  invasion.

I thought that, with Obama’s re-election, this country might be in for a difficult four years.  But now with his picks for Secretary of State, Defense Secretary, and Treasury Secretary (Jack Lew), I am sure of it.


  1. Didn't some people use the same phrase to describe George W Bush? I heard he can't even ride a horse.

  2. You heard wrong ... See:

  3. The Ranch reportedly has no horses and only five cattle. I guess anyone can pose of a stuffed horse.
    Mexican President Fox said Bush is afraid of hourses
