Thursday, January 24, 2013


It was recently reveled that Beyonce lip-synced the national anthem at President Obama’s just-passed inauguration … with the Marine Band pretending to play the associated music … see: Telegraph Story

Let’s see … President Obama reads someone else’s words from his ever-present Teleprompter, Beyonce mimes the Star-Spangled Banner, global-warming data is still being faked (see: Powerline Blog), and Michelle Obama is now sporting a black-banged wig.  Is everything ersatz these days?

Someone please pinch me.  I’m hoping that the last four years were also just make-believe … our huge deficit spending, Obamacare, and the Arab Spring never happened  … and were all just bad dreams.  Perhaps I might also wake up and discover that Mitt Romney is now the President?

1 comment:

  1. Sorry, it's all real. Just like the beat-down Hillary performed on the Benghazi blowhards yesterday.
