Thursday, December 13, 2012


Sigmund Freud identified an interesting twist in the spectrum of human emotions which he labeled “transference.”  This was the tendency of those being psychoanalyzed to view their psychoanalysts as all-knowing and all-seeing … and thus an object of veneration (frequently falling in love with them.)

Siggy baby had it right … but he didn’t nearly go far enough.  It seems that our society today engages in a wide variety of illogical transference-like emotions.  We view successful investors (such as Warren Buffet) as super-experts in taxing policy.  We view movie stars (such as Sean Penn) as super-experts on international relations.  We view pop singers (such as  Madonna) as super-experts on child-raising.  We view comedians (such as Jon Stewart) as super-experts in news commentary.  We view the spouses of legislators (such as Clair McCaskill) as super-experts on law-making. 

And we view consummate politicians (you pick your favorite) as super-experts in governance.  (I guess I have also to add that we view successful venture capitalists as super-experts in politics.)


  1. How about all the people who think that blowhard -- Rush Limbaugh -- is an expert on the evil nature of democrats?
    (BTW I don't disagree with your thesis, but some of the examples do not resonate. No one would pay any attention to Madonna on parenting -- nor does anyone who watches the show think Jon Stewart is anything but a comedian posing as a fake news analyst.

  2. On Madonna, see:

    On Jon Stewart, see:

    The evil nature of Democrats is self-evident independent of Rush Limbaugh.
