Monday, November 12, 2012

The Fix

There are myriad theories about why Romney lost the recently-completed U.S. Presidential election … changing demographics (perhaps Rubio would have been a better V.P. choice after all), class warfare used as the wedge issue, voter fraud, etc. But, to me, I return to my oft-repeated theme … it was an election in which the heart prevailed over the head. Women, who vote in increasingly greater numbers than men, voted for Obama 55% versus 44% for Romney. This was a voting margin that outstrips all others in terms of importance.

Therefore the problem for the Republicans in future elections is enormous … not one that can be reversed with small solutions. Thus, to get back on the winning track, Republicans need a sea-change fix … and I think I have their answer … Sharia Law. I believe that, if the Republicans were to co-opt the Democrats and urge that our Constitution be modified to comport with Sharia Law (see: Sharia Law Tenets), our country would benefit greatly. For instance:

- The 19th Amendment would be obviated, particularly for Christians and Jews, and these women would lose their right to vote. This clearly would solve most of the Republican’s electoral problems.

- The current trend toward public nudity or near-nudity would also be reversed. Lady Gaga could not appear on stage except according to the hajib dress code.

- Since women would be severely restricted as to what jobs or education they could seek, our unemployment problem would be solved overnight.

- Women would be forbidden to drive cars … suddenly solving many of our traffic jams.

- Iran would stop its nuclear sabre rattling and embrace the United States as brothers … Israel, not so much.

- Homosexuality would be forced back into the shadows (so as not to elicit stoning to death) … no more Gay Pride parades with their concomitant public displays of sexual acts.

- Our Supreme Court Justices Breyer and Ginsburg would be mollified in their notion that the laws of foreign lands must be considered in adjudicating domestic legal cases.

- Our crime rates would drop dramatically or, otherwise, we would have legions of one-handed thieves.

- Our divorce rates would also plummet … as adultery would no longer be an acceptable diversion from the monotony of marriage.

Need I go on?.

Afterthought:  Perhaps alcohol consumption in the United States might also be dramatically reduced under Sharia Law?

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