Wednesday, November 14, 2012


Current rumor has it that the new Obama administration will keep Eric Holder on as Attorney General (UGH!), appoint John Kerry as Secretary of Defense (GASP!), and nominate Susan Rice as Secretary of State (SHIVER!) This is clearly what The Chosen One was talking about when he labeled this recent election as one of revenge.

Three Senators, John McCain, Linsey Graham and Kelly Ayotte, indicated today that our U.N. Ambassador, Susan Rice, was an unacceptable choice and that they would oppose her nomination based upon her avowals on five Sunday talk shows ... five days after the Benghazi attacks … where she claimed that they had been inspired by an anti-Islamic YouTube video.

In his first news conference in eight months, President Obama today sprang to Ms. Rice’s defense, saying that she was just "presenting" what the White House had told her was the best information they had on Benghazi at the time.

But wait … did not President Obama, in his second debate with Mitt Romney, say that he had stated in the Rose Garden the morning after the Benghazi attacks that they had been due to terrorism? (Which assertion was then too-conveniently attested to by the moderator, Candy Crowley.) I’m befuddled by how the Obama administration can keep these two diametrically-opposed narratives going simultaneously?

But I guess, when you are best friends with most of Hollywood, the Main Stream Media, the glamorous East-Coast glitterati, and the Pimp with the Limp, you can say and do almost anything … including appointing a clueless apparatchik as Secretary of State.


  1. Anonymous12:30 AM

    There you go again. He sais that they were acts of terror. Killing people and torching their building is certainly terror. Whether it was planned and attributed to a specific organization is the question. Did any group claim it? Did they say it was planned? Otherwise you are just trying to thread it together.

  2. State Dept. Email to White House at 6:07 PM on 9/11/12: 'Ansar al-Sharia Claims Responsibility for Benghazi Attack'
