Thursday, November 29, 2012


Chrome Logo
Turn around is fair play.  Microsoft killed Netscape with its Internet Explorer via software integration and predatory pricing.  Now Google is attacking Internet Explorer with its Chrome browser.  Let me explain … somehow I inadvertently downloaded Google’s Chrome (software vendors have gotten very clever at such subterfuge.)  After about six months I was tired of seeing this unused Chrome icon on my start-up screen … so I uninstalled it. Big mistake!  For weeks thereafter my Internet Explorer operated very poorly.  It downloaded slowly … it was missing many graphic images … and it often, too often, froze to the point where I had to restart the computer.

This was extremely frustrating.  I ran and reran my antivirus software.  I ran and reran my registry cleanup software.  I ran and reran my file trimming software.  I defragged my hard disc … twice.  Then it dawned on me … these problems all started when I uninstalled Chrome.  So I reinstalled it … and, voila, things are now great … as long as I use Chrome as my primary PC browser.  Clearly Google has advertently or inadvertently structured Chrome with hidden I.E.D.s vis-à-vis Microsoft’s Internet Explorer.  Chrome is obviously Google's primary combatant in the ongoing cyberwars to take over the PC interface. 

How is it going?  Google allows me statistics about what browsers are being used to reference this blog … with hits running close to 3,000 per month.  Recently, these numbers show this usage profile: Firefox – 37%, Internet Explorer – 24%, Chrome – 21%, etc.  So, Google seems to be effectively insinuating itself into PC interfaces around the world

But then who are among the real battlefield causalities? ... schlemiels like me.  I just wish I had some recourse against software vendors such as Google … and Microsoft too.

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