Sunday, October 14, 2012
Hanging Threads
I believe that the national media (including Fox) is too often derelict in their duties when it comes to following-up on significant news stories. Too too often the American public is left hanging to discover the real story behind the story … or what occurred as a consequence of what was once front-page headlines. Let me offer a few glaring examples:
- What has happened to the implementation details of the Dodd-Frank Financial Reform Bill? This law was passed over two years ago to remedy the excesses that caused the financial meltdown of 2008 … and left many important details to be determined by this Administration. Most of these details are still hanging … why?.
- Exactly who made the decision that there would be no rescue mission sent to Benghazi during the six-hour siege of our Consulate there … where four Americans were killed including our Ambassador to Libya. It is crystal clear that our administration at all levels was aware (in real time, including pictures) of what was occurring there, but no rescue reaction was tripped. In addition to the who, why was such malfeasance displayed in this matter?
- What rationale did President Obama have in totally ignoring the recommendations of the Simpson-Bowles Commission to reduce our annual federal deficits?
- Who was responsible for leaking the details of the Osama ben Laden raid in Pakistan and his killing? The President has “launched an internal investigation” into this matter … exactly who is leading this probe and what progress has been made to date?
- Shortly after Obama was inaugurated, he formed the Middle-Class Task Force with VP Joe Biden as its Chairman. This task force was purposed with the duty of “raising the living standards of middle-class, working families in America.” How many times did this commission meet and what were its recommendations … and have any of these recommendations been implemented?
- What were the exact terms of the Chicago teachers’s strike settlement? Did Chicago or the teachers’s union benefit most?
- Why was Anthony Wiener never charged with any crime as a result of his exhibitionist peccadilloes?
- How many entities (businesses, unions, etc.) are still receiving wavers to the implementation requirements of Obamacare?
- What are the minute details behind what the Public Broadcasting System receives and spends every year? It is a public entity after all and, one would think, that these financial details (including Big Bird's take-home) would be readily available and aired by the media on a regular basis. Afterward: I just discovered that Big Bird makes over $341,000 per year (see: IB Times Story ). Yipes!!
- Exactly how much voter fraud is known to take place? (This is a tricky one since it is so bound up in the agendas of each political party.)
- How many times have President Obama and Bibi Netanyahu actually talk in the last six months?
There are tons more of these media lapses, but I think this is enough for now … and easily makes my point.
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