Friday, September 07, 2012

Four More Years

The Economist magazine published this week an issue asking the 64 trillion dollar question, "Mr. President ... just what would you do with another four years?"  In response, Obama gave his "Paucity of Hope" acceptance speech last night to close the Democrat convention (where one wag found multiple instances of delegates who believe that corporate profits should be abolished ... see: Human Events.)  Even Politico, that apologist for the left, called Obama's lecture "Downsizing the Dream" (see: Politico Story.)

Fortunately I have a mole inside the White House who smuggled out a piece of note paper on which The Barry had been doodling.  It gives the secret desires of that man who wants to live there four more years:

- Play golf another 120 times
- Bow to 4 more heads of state
- Appoint 3 more Supreme Court justices
- Enjoy 12 more opulent vacations
- Give the finger to as many opponents as practical
- Give away billion$ more to green-energy cronies
- Appoint 18 more czars
- Nationalize the oil companies
- Give an unconditional pardon to Tony Rezko
- Accidentally release 10 years of Romney's tax returns
- Order all remaining waygu beef for the White House kitchen
- Take a crash course in macro-economics

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