Thursday, September 20, 2012



King Kong died for our sins -- Old American Proverb

You can't play ping pong in a kangaroo's pouch -- Old Australian Adage

The hills are alive with the sound of Musak -- Old Austrian Saying

The sun never sets on a British umpire -- Old British Proverb

Icing the puck is preferable to pucking the ice -- Old Canadian Adage

It is better to sleep standing up than have a cricket crawl in your ear -- Old Chinese Proverb

The road to Hellas is paved -- Old Greek Proverb

Kissing the Blarney Stone won't make you any taller -- Old Irish Proverb

Walk softly and carry a big schtick -- Old Jewish Adage

The way to a man's heart is through his sternum -- Old Muslim Proverb

Never eat a kielbasa at a Warsaw bordello -- Old Polish Adage

I would rather that you spill my blood than my vodka -- Old Russian Adage

Blond jokes don't apply to Swedes -- Old Swedish Adage

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