Friday, July 20, 2012


Even though Harry Reid, Nancy Pelosi and Debbie Wasserman-Schultz have refused to release their tax returns, they still insist that Mitt Romney release more than the last two years of his (see: Breitbart Story).  To rub salt into the wound, Harry Reid said that, because of his reticence, Romney was not suited to run for dogcatcher.  This comes from a man who has refused for over three years to fulfil his Constitutional duty in the Senate and pass a federal budget.  I suppose that Reid is preparing the way in case Romney wins the Presidency this coming November.  Perhaps, if so, he will send Romney a dogcatcher's net ... and start barking.


  1. Reid and Pelosi don't want the voters/taxpayers to see that they have become filthy rich since getting into politics, using inside info and connections. The hypocrisy of it makes you want to restore the guillotine as a punishment for greedy pols.

  2. Pelosi might consider the guillotine as just another cosmetic surgery. It might even be an improvement.
