Monday, June 18, 2012

Pulling Out All Stops

It seems pretty obvious that Barack Obama cannot be re-elected by running on his record ... so his legion of strong-arm Chicago advisers are pulling out all stops.  They are trying to attract those hoards of unthinking voters by cobbling together a panoply of rifle-shot emotional appeals and giveaways.  So far the groups that have been singled out include:

- Single women who want to have their contraceptives paid for by someone else
- Metrosexuals who moon over Justin Bieber
- 18-30 year old illegal aliens who can assemble the necessary (often forged) documentation to prove that they were here before the age of 6 (how can they vote?)
- Those of us who want to see Sara Jessica Parker naked
- Others who want to know all about top-secret U.S. covert operations
- Underwater investors in "green" companies

Before November, I'm certain that there will be many others.  Bill Clinton based his re-election strategy in 1996 upon "triangulation".  Can we call The Barry's 2012 strategy "polyangulation"?

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