Monday, April 09, 2012

The Smiling Cobra

Once Jim Aubrey, who then ran CBS, was known as the "smiling cobra" for his ruthless interpersonal tactics ... while he also maintained an ebullient visage (see: Wikipedia Entry).  I once heard an apocryphal story (of unknown veracity) on how he disposed of worn-out girlfriends.  He would invite them to join him on a cross-country Pullman-car trip.  When he didn't appear in their private compartment for the "all aboard," he would have delivered money, flowers, jewelry, fruit, candy, and ... a "Dear Jane" letter to his perplexed concubine ... shades of Mad Men!

I'm not accusing Barack Obama of similar dalliances, but I do believe he has a parallel personality to Jim Aubrey in that he is ruthless in slaking his vengeance.  In fact I am often perplexed and even a mite fearful to see The Barry's eyes as burning hot coals of anger while he, at the same time, is showing from ear to ear, a mouth full of pearly-whites.

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