The conventional wisdom (whatever that means) says that Newt Gingrich (and maybe Rick Santorum) will now be coming after Mitt Romney with both gun barrels blazing in the ensuing Presidential race. This media narrative results from the supposed effective negative ads that Romney's Super-PACs ran against Newt in Iowa. Such attacks are believed to have sunk Newt's caucus chances there. And Newt is just vindictive enough to try to turn the tables on Romney and spend every dime he can raise or borrow to slime this now-seeming frontrunner.
I think Mitt Romney should welcome this Gingrich vitriol and respond quickly to each and every charge (i.e., his dog riding on the car roof, Bain Capital layoffs in the companies it took over, Romneycare, etc.) In effect, the more that Newt, Santorum, et alia throw at Mitt, the less negative surprises that The Barry will have to spend his billion-dollar war chest on ... when (and if) Mitt is his opponent when the real race begins in the late summer. (This theory is based on the assumption that voters will tire of hearing the same charges over and over again.) This political tactic is know as "inoculation" and has been used effectively, particularly by Bill Clinton, in past elections.
But the important caveat is that Romney must respond quickly to all of these brickbats with convincing ripostes. If he lets them stand and fester, then he will indeed be in deep sneakers.
As you may have guessed, I still believe that a Predident Romney is our best chance for curing our in extremis nation.
I predict that Santorum ads will be gentle with Mitt and vice versa - They will end-up as GOP running mates in the Fall. And they will win.