Sunday, October 02, 2011

Breaking Wind

Billions for green energy, not one cent for nuclear ...  Here is a recent Op Ed from the New York Times revealing what the tree huggers are doing to the trees in Vermont ... all to reduce our nation's "carbon footprint" by a teeny weeny fraction of one percent. See: Green Mountaineering.  It's one thing to see huge wind farms on the barren highway passes between LA and Las Vegas, but on an entire ridgeline in Vermont?  Ouch!  And how do these hugely-expensive politically-correct projects get funded?  You guessed it ... mainly by that kindly old man with the billy-goat beard, striped pants, and a cut-away coat.

Have we learned nothing from the failure of the green energy initiatives in Spain? (See: No Gain in Spain.)  Please also read this link that describes an Obama $61 billion slush fund called the Federal Financing Bank ... see: Secret Government Bank.  This revealing reference was given to me by a contributor who also seems worried about how our current government is squandering billions upon billions of dollars on questionable green-energy projects ... none of which so far involves the splitting of an atom.

Afterthought: Here is a list of wind turbine manufactures: Wind Turbines.  Is all this green energy B.S. adding or subtracting from our balance of payments and employment levels?

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