Monday, September 19, 2011

The President's Chimera

"Pass this jobs bill now!"
"We need to pass this jobs bill right now!"
"If you love me, you will help me pass this jobs bill now!"
"Now is the time to pass this jobs bill!"

What jobs bill?  The Barry really must believe that the American people are naive ... or stupid ... or worse.  He urgently wants us to pass a jobs bill that hasn't been filed yet in Congress.  And if it hasn't been filed, it can't be voted on.  And obviously it can't then be passed.  It can't be scored by the Congressional Budget Office to see if it really will create [and save?] the jobs he claims ... or that it will only cost $447 billion of taxpayer money.  And it's not clear when it will be filed.  If you don't believe me, read this surprisingly frank artcle in the L.A.Times.

What kind of rhetorical charade is Obama engaged in?  Has this bill really even been written?  Or is it still evolving in focus groups and in the friendly editorial rooms of the main stream print media and network television.  In a way, this is a scary situation.  The President is representing a reality that doesn't exist so that he can attack the Republican members of Congress.  And yet the fact that this bill hasn't been filed isn't generally known to the cheering crowds he is appealing to ... or to the overall American public for that matter.  We are being fed a feast of ephemeria ... right out of George Orwell.  I am nervous that we now have a President who is so detatched from the truth ... and that he believes that he can turn this chimera into a living, breathing beast with his teleprompter skills.
And it's time for us all to be nervous.

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