Thursday, September 08, 2011

Kitchen Cabinet

Last night, while watching the Republican debate from the Reagan Library in Simi Valley, California, I was impressed with this lineup of Presidential hopefuls. I also felt it was a shame that only one of them could take the fight to The Barry next fall. I realize that this idea cuts across the grain of the current media narrative -- that the Republicans offer a weak slate of candidate hopefuls. But, to me, each of these potentials is better than what we got now … and each has significant strengths that he/she could bring to the next administration. Since only one could be our next President, the next fanciful step then was to imagine how each of them would fit into a Republican administration. I do realize that this would never happen, but I did have this chimera and let me here share it with you:

Mitt Romney – President
Newt Gingrich – Vice President (if I can’t have Marco Rubio)
Jon Huntsman – Secretary of State
Ron Paul – Surgeon General
Rick Perry – Secretary of Defense
Michele Bachmann – Attorney General
Rick Santorum – Secretary of  Treasury (if I can’t have Paul Ryan)
Herman Cain – Secretary of Commerce

I can dream can't I?


  1. Anonymous12:10 PM

    " me, each of these potentials is better than what we got now"
    Did they teach you this at Dartmouth?

  2. Anonymous1:18 PM

    Yes, just like how they taught The Barry how to pronounce "corps" at Harvard ...


  3. Anonymous8:23 PM

    Are any of you blowhards producing revenue? Or are you just venting about what actual taxpayers should care about?

  4. Anonymous10:52 PM

