I've heard the current administration repeatedly say that Obama (The Barry) has added 2 million jobs since he took office ... including today on his taxpayer-funded, re-election bus tour in Minnesota. So, being curious and skeptical, I went to the source, The Bureau of Labor Statistics, to see if this were the case. The actual numbers (see BLS.gov) are as follows:
When The Barry took office the civilian non-institutional population of the United States (for the definition, see Wikipedia) was 232.6 million and the seasonally-adjusted number of people employed was 142.2 million (after the shock of the sub-prime mortgage crisis in 2008). As of the end of July, 2011, the civilian non-institutional population was 239.7 million (up 7.1 million) whereas the equivalent employment number was 139.3 million (down 2.9 million). So, according to the President's own truth-telling bureaucrats, he seems to be "spinning" things ... but then, what else is new?
See: Just the Facts Ma'am for an update on this data through Nov., 2011
See: Pants on Fire for an update through Dec., 2011
See: "Lucy for an update through Jan.,m 2012
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