Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Mad Rachel Maddow

MSNBC has been smartly taking advantage of the popularity of its successful Morning Joe program to promote its low-rated evening shows like Hardball with Chris Matthews and the Rachel Maddow Show.  While Morning Joe tends toward the middle of the road politically, both these evening shows are unapologetically hard left.  Two of these promos featuring Rachel Maddow are quite curious to my mind:

One has her standing in front of a wind-turbine farm extolling green energy.  However, if one looks closely, it appears that only a few wind-turbines in the foreground are running.  Most of the background wind-turbines are motionless ... which is a major drawback to this clean-energy initiative insofar as the overhead maintenance of these behemoths is quite expensive and so their up-time is often limited.  (If it weren't for government subsidies, I doubt if these uneconomic greenies would exist.)

The second promo has Ms. Maddow fronting the Hoover Dam extolling the virtues of our forebearers in how they planned and built for our future generations.  The problems here is that I seriously doubt if the environmentalists (with Rachel Maddow, an assumed champion) would tolerate any such new river-damming project like the Hoover Dam ever to be considered as a future source of electric power.  (It's the snail darters' home don't you know?)


  1. Anonymous1:31 PM

    I find it very curious that, over two weeks after the fact, MSNBC seems to have stopped running these two particular ads. Now Mad Ms. Madow is posed against a neutral background.

  2. Anonymous2:29 PM

    Now MSNBC has her back in front of that damn dam. Do they think we are dopes?

  3. Anonymous6:01 PM

    I justyoutubed the commercial. I didn't see any non moving turbines. While I see you have an opinion it would be nice if you didn't have to fabricate stuff to support it.

  4. The commercial that I saw had a few unmoving turbines. Perhaps, they updated it? Question: have you seen any wind turbines that were idle? I know I have ... quite a few and quite often. There is one on Rte 24 in MA that has been out for months. Do you really feel that Maddow (or you) would be in favor of another Hoover Dam? The hypocrisy of you tree-huggers is legend (and quite annoying).
