Friday, June 03, 2011

A Cabal

Joe Biden

Employers added only 54,000 jobs in May, the lowest in many months  (see: Anemic Jobs Growth ).  This is obviously a right-wing conspiracy to embarrass The Barry and The Joe (our Jobs Czar) going into the 2012 elections.  Business's reticence to hire has nothing to do with Obamacare, the looming U.S. tax increases in 18 months, the inability of our feckless American politicians to deal with our debt crisis, and our growing government regulatory malevolence.  I think that The Barry needs to go on prime-time TV and tell the American public who the true culprits of this economic malaise are -- a cabal composed of our greedy oil companies, Israel, the Cambridge, MA police, FOX News, Dick Chaney, and global-warming deniers.  Then we will finally understand whom to blame.

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