Thursday, May 19, 2011
Bonehead Moves
The Obama administration has made a few good and even gutsy decisions ... like icing Osama bin Laden and the surge in Afghanistan. However, it has also made and continues to make far too numerous bonehead moves. I offer the following as but a few examples:
- Abrogating our anti-missile defense agreements with Poland and the Czech Republic.
- Obamacare ... along with something more than 1,300 wavers to mostly large businesses and unions.
- This past January, the opening up of diplomatic relations with Syria ... just in time for the bloody anti-government uprisings there.
- Sending our warplanes into Libya almost two months ago while assuring the American public that this incursion would last for "days not weeks." It is still going on.
- Trying to keep the Boeing corporation from opening a manufacturing plant (for its Dreamliner airplane) in South Carolina because it is a "right to work" state.
- Appointing of 37 executive-branch czars ... unvetted by Congress.
- Helping (along with Ben Bernanke) to destroy the value of the U.S. dollar.
- Spending almost one trillion dollars of U.S. taxpayer money on a "stimulus" bill which did nothing to create private-sector jobs. It just briefly saved public-sector jobs in many states ... which jobs are now being cut due to continued economic malaise.
- Taking Arizona to court over its new anti-illegal-immegration laws.
- Disclosing British military secrets to the Russians as grease-on-the-skids to get them to ratify the START treaty.
- Meeting with the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt shortly after his inauguration.
- Federalizing two car companies, the student loan industry, and some financial companies (AIG, Fannie Mae, and Freddie Mac.)
- Demagoguing on the illegal immigration issue, the balanced budget issue, the political contributions from foreigners issue, the collective bargaining issue, the racial equality issue, the Tea Party issue, the environmental issues, the Israel/Arab issue, the oil depletion allowance issue, etc.
- The "Cash for Clunkers" program.
- Trying to bring Islamic terrorists to trial in U.S. civilian courts.
- Placing a moratorium on new oil exploration in the Gulf of Mexico while, at the same time, fronting Brazil $2 billion for them to develop its own off-shore oil resources.
- Providing 85 drone aircraft to Pakistan right before we found Osama bin Laden ensconced there.
- Refusing to proffer or pass a 2011 federal budget ... and offering only a grossly irrational one fo 2012.
- The (mis)handling of the BP oil spill ... including extorting $20 billion out of BP.
- (Just in.) A call for Israel to return unilaterly to its pre-1967 borders with the Arab world.
Now, take the ratio of good decisions to bonehead moves to determine a President's worth. Any number greater than one qualifies a President for Mount Rushmore. The Barry so far doesn't seem even to qualify for a footnote to history.
This just in: Unemployment dropping. Stock market up YTD. He stopped The Rapture. Any more nitpicky items?