Wednesday, April 27, 2011


This is an interesting take on the newly-released Certificate of Live Birth for B.H.O.:  Composed of Layers?

I don't have Adobe Illustrator but, those of you who do, try it and leave a comment.  I'm sure there is more controversy yet to come.  These things seem never to die.


  1. They never die because idiots keep making shit up because they would rather be RIGHT than deal with facts. There are people who have "proof" that the world is flat too.

  2. BarryO9:12 AM

    Some people loves to wallow in silliness.

  3. Now Trump wants to see Obama's grades in college. Silly Silly Silly.
    The birther-haters are just laughingstocks.

  4. DEN is beginning to sound like too many of our media pundits. Lots of ridicule taking the place of reasoned criticism. No matter how silly Trump often seems when he says these things, I don't understand why Americans cannot see the qualifications (such as college grades, SATs, LSATs, etc.) of the man who is running their lives. Particuarly since many of these media pundits have elevated him to such a loft perch.
