Saturday, March 05, 2011

Juxtaposition XIX

Street sweeper from
"Fractured Fairy Tales"

Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker

Only this time he isn't sweeping up elephant turds, he is cleaning up donkey excrement.


  1. Anonymous12:55 PM

    Michael Graham has finally become a socialist. Yesterday he was complaining that the overpaid owners and players in the NFL were hurting the little guys that sell parking spots for $50 a car and beer for 7.50 a bottle.

  2. Anonymous5:56 PM

    Juxtaposition: Fox news is aghast that Wisconsin teachers salary and benefits tops 90 plus thousand. Same Fox news opposed Bush tax cuts, saying that $250 thousand for a family of four is practically poverty level. Go figure.

  3. $90,000 is a lot to spend on a teacher who cannot teach (see "So Seiu Me" below) just like $400,000 is a lot to spend on a POTUS who cannot lead. And I do not believe that FOX News (nor anyone on FOX News) said what you said they said.

  4. And I don't particularly care if the super-rich ($1,000,000 per year in salary and benefits) are taxed at a higher rate ... just as long as the Dems don't turn around and spend it all (plus) on more entitlements (fat chance!)
