Monday, March 22, 2010

The Nose Knows

There have been a number of "promises" made to the American public that would occur as a result of the passage of Obamacare legislation. These vows are:
- it would not increase the federal deficit
- it would not cause anyone to lose their existing health-care insurance
- it would not increase taxes or fees for anyone earning less than $250,000 per year
- it would not include the plethora of sweet-heart deals (explicit or implicit) made in secret with legislators
- it would not cause existing health-care insurance premiums to increase
- it would not provide for taxpayer funding of abortion
- it would not cause any reduction in healthcare treatments or Medicare coverage
- it would not federally-subsidize healthcare insurance for illegal immigrants
- it would reduce Medicare and Medicaid waste, fraud, and abuse by tens of billion dollars
None of these pledges, in fact, will transpire as a result of this just-passed bill. Yet, politicians and political pundits continue to mouth them with a straight face. To me, these group-think prevarications are staggering. And, add to these downsides, the fact that the federal government will now become the only provider of student loans ... and Congress will still exempt themselves from these healthcare insurance constraints ... all this makes for a large case of dyspepsia for this blogger.
But then 26-year old "children" can still be covered on their parents' health insurance policies. This makes it all worth while.

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