Monday, October 12, 2009

Flu Fleecers

Walgreens and CVS are selling seasonal flu shots for around $30 a pop ... and this program has proved so popular that both store chains are running out of flu vaccine (and their stock prices are moving up). See: Flu Vaccine Shortage. The purpose of my comments here is to chastise Walgreens and CVS for their sleight-of-hand in offering this program during the public panic about the H1N1 flu outbreak. These drugstores do not make it abundantly clear that these flu shots do not protect recipients against the "swine flu". I conjecture that the vast majority of the public sheep who are getting these seasonal flu shots do not realize that they are not protected against the H1N1 virus and that the vaccine against this strain of the flu virus will not be available to the general public for at least one month.

Also many of these ovines could get this very same seasonal flu shot at their workplaces, HMOs, local community clinics. or fraternal organizations for free. I welcome readers to watch these drug store's ads on TV or read their road signs and find an explicit caveat emptor that these flu shots do not protect against the swine flu. These stores may reveal this fact to those Babbitts in line to be vaccinated ... but, by then, it may to be too late. The Walgreen and CVS Judas goats have already lead these sheep into spending their $30 for something that they think they are getting ... but are not.


  1. Not sure what your point is...are you getting your shot this year?

    By the Bye, I notice your comrades at Powerline are slamming the door on comments. Apparently, they are uncomfortable when the media bites back! (Maybe you should disable comments too, so you don't have to put up with annoying critics)

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Sorry, I lost the point, but then this is nothing new ...

  4. Capt. Hargreaves (Ret)10:46 AM

    FYI: Lemmings do not periodically commit suicide by hurlings themselves off cliffs. The idea that they do is just a myth. Belief in this myth was strengthened by a 1958 Disney documentary, White Wilderness, in which the filmmakers herded some hapless lemmings off a cliff in order to show this supposedly natural behavior.

  5. What does that fact have to do with Geroge's post?

  6. Enough!! Stop arguing, you two!

  7. Capt Hargreaves (Ret)10:11 PM

    He started it.
