Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Turnabout Is Fair Play

Obama lied,

Granny died.

Protester's sign at Obama's Portsmouth, NH town meeting on revamping health care.


  1. I actually LOLd when I saw the sign on the news last night, because it was so absurd.

    The sad thing is that Rush, et al have convinced mouth breathing conservatives that this is in the dems plan

  2. DEN has a pechant for reflecting the views of the last person he communicated with ... much like a cloudy mirror ... including the fact that right now becomes left.

  3. Well George is a namecaller and a sloppy typist. Or maybe doesn't know how to spell.

    Anyone who beleives that the Health Care bill contains provisions for a "death panel" is a moron.

  4. I was looking in the cloudy mirror when I wrote "penchant". (Notice that DEN always has to end his comments with an insult. I, on the other hand, am above such bilious blather.)

  5. The current anti-Obama-crowd penchant for intentionally spreading misinformation is hurting their own credibility. Liars are regarded as evil. It's worse than stupid.

    Did you ever notice that mirror gazing Geo always has to have the last word?
