Tuesday, November 18, 2008

The Experts

They said that saccharin was needed to stop the plague of diabetes. Then they said, “Oh no, stop. It causes cancer!”
Six months ago, they said gasoline was going to $6.00 or more a gallon. I just filled up at $2.03.
They told me butter was bad for me. Eat margarine instead (the original transfat). They were dead wrong. (Julia Child knew.)
They told me I couldn’t use DDT. It made the egg shells of peregrine falcons thin. The result was that millions of people died of diseases carried by mosquitoes that DDT would have eliminated.
They told me I couldn’t eat French fries cooked in lard (that tasted sooo good!) Now I eat them cooked in tasteless safflower oil while the French laugh at us.
During the Carter administration when interest rates were 16%+, they said they would never again sink into single digits. They are now 1%.
They told me that the thimerosal in vaccines causes autism. It now appears that they were wrong See this NY Times Article.
They told me that to eat only organic foods while they stuffed their noses, stomachs, and veins full of non-organic, illicit designer drugs.
Now, they say that carbon dioxide is the bane of mankind.

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