Thursday, July 31, 2008

Questions for Obama

This morning I had a Walter-Mitty moment … imagining that I was a reporter in a Barak Obama news conference. I realize that some of these questions would engender titters from the assembled main stream media hacks, but then most of you know that this would not censor me. I would love to be able to respectfully ask him from the following list of obvious questions:

- Are you still smoking cigarettes?
- Would you seek to give health-care insurance to illegal aliens?
- What foreign language(s) do you speak?
- As Prsident would you encourage the building of more nuclear power plants?
- Do you own a gun?
- As an ACORN activist did you ever knowingly register a voter illegally?
- Do you subscribe to the Black Liberation agenda? (You have attested that you do.)
- Would you encourage more drilling for oil in the U.S.?
- Do you believe in reparations for American blacks?
- What holidays does your family celebrate (Thanksgiving, Kwanza, Christmas, Easter)?
- Who are your personal heroes (Jesus Christ, Louis Farrakhan)?
- Do you want to build more oil refineries in the U.S.?
- Do you own a Koran or have you ever studied it?
- Did you ever register for the American draft?
- Are you in favor of native Hawaiian liberation?
- What kind of Supreme Court justice would you nominate?
- Your mother hated America … did you ever identify with her in this revulsion?
- If Osama Bin Laden were captured, would you seek to have him executed?

1 comment:

  1. What a coincidence! Last night I dreamed that John McCain was the guest on “The View”. All the regular chicks had called in sick, and I was asked to be the interviewer. I would have asked these questions but when he heard my first question McCain suddenly flew into a rage and stomped off the set.. Too bad, it might have been interesting.

    Questions for McCain

    - What’s that thing on your face?
    - Do you still want to give amnesty to illegal aliens?
    - What foreign languages do you speak?
    - Have you ever shot anyone in the face?
    - As a Keating Five defendant, did you ever take a bribe?
    - Do you play solitaire? Does the queen of hearts have any significance?
    - Do you think Jesus was really born on Christmas Day?
    - Does everything piss you off, like they say?
    - How did getting shot down and captured as a POW prepare you for the Presidency?
    - Do you think Obama took his oath of office on the Koran? Or that he believes in black nationalism?
    - What kind of Supreme Court Justice would you nominate?
    - The men in your family have been professional warriors, do you love war?
    - Who are you planning to pardon?
    - Do you think GWB has been an effective President? Which of his policies will you continue if elected?
