Tuesday, July 08, 2008


I’ve had it!! I am more than fugging tired of having these size 18-EEE carbon footprints telling me that I must cut back on my energy use. These petro-hogs (Barak Obama, Arnold Schwarzenegger, John McCain, John Edwards, Michael Moore, John Kerry, Richard Branson, Al Gore, Deval Patrick, George Soros, etc.) fly around in their private jets, live in mega-mansions with all their energy-consuming accoutrements, drive (or be driven in) huge gas guzzlers and much, much more … and still feel that they can lecture me on how I should live my life. They must have balls the size of coconuts to think that they can get away with such hypocrisy. But what’s even more frustrating? They DO get away with it. Bother!!

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous8:05 AM

    Mr. Potts...AMEN TO THAT!

