Sunday, September 17, 2023

Apt Analogy


Nothing is perfect. Although free-market capitalism has a small share of barnacles, it is so good at generating wealth and well being that it sails on no matter how roiled the waters. 

Afterward: Far more debilitating and dangerous than its few barnacles, our capitalistic ship of state suffers from the anarchists and Marxist’s opening wide all the sea cocks … trying to scuttle it. Can you name a few of them Pilgrim?



ChillFin said...

An interesting analogy and appropriate as well. The wealth and well-being accrued mostly to the captain and the investors in the ship's cargo. Those who labored were given a pittance and a bottle of rum. It is not scuttling a ship to want a fair share of the wealth. Pirates were more democratic sharing wealth.

George W. Potts said...

Why are so many fleeing communist Venezuela and Cuba for capitalist USA … in order to be exploited?

ChillFin said...

Compared to their current system exploitation is an advancement. But I had Nordic countries in mind when appealing for examples of democratic sharing of wealth.