Monday, December 13, 2021

Today’s Poser

After the nihilists have trashed everything precious, will we finally cancel the cancel culture? — Fletcher

Afterward: George Soros, the sultan of nihilists



DEN said...

George Soros donates money in support of Democratic ideals; how is that nihilistic?

George W. Potts said...

Defund the police, Legalize all illicit drugs, Open borders, critical Race Theory being taught in schools, No cash bail, Prosecutors who don’t prosecute (Rachael Rollins) and other nihilistic Democrat causes.

DEN said...

blah blah blah Polly wanna cracker?

George W. Potts said...

Sometimes I wonder why I answer your silliness …

DEN said...

That makes two of us.
But, seriously, how can you characterize the Soros/Progressive philosophy -- a desire for human equality -- as nihilism?

Birdchaser said...

Democratic ideals suck.