Thursday, December 09, 2021

Deeper Dive

I have often pointed to the CDC’s VAERS database to alert readers that there are significant risks associated with the vaccines for the Wuhan-Fauci virus … see: Checking VAERS Numbers. Now the American Thinker has taken my focus two steps further with a deep dive behind what this data really means … see: The American Thinker deep dive.

I don’t know the motivation behind this CDC reporting but there is no question that it has appropriately spawned much of the vaccine hestency certainly in this country … or possibly it is the ultimately CYA response on the government’s part.

Although this analysis is sobering, it still suggests that taking the vaccine might be beneficial … since it may reduce the chance of hospitalization and death from this plague. Although the margin of survival is greatly reduced … possibly as low as one in 1000 … not  one in 10,000 as previously supposed.

And one can assume that the backlash from this vaccination program will last for years to come … and Trump will likely end up being the goat.



DEN said...

The claim in the cited American Thinker article is 140,000 deaths CAUSED BY covid vaccines. The evidence is a hypothetical extrapolation based on information gathered in 2012, and raw data gathered from unverified sources reported to VARS.

This is utter nonsense. Spreading this sort of misinformation is a perversion of free speech.


DEN said...

I believe the CDC statement:
"Reports may include incomplete, inaccurate, coincidental and unverified information.
The number of reports alone cannot be interpreted or used to reach conclusions about the existence, severity, frequency, or rates of problems associated with vaccines."

You should apply for a job at "The Five" on Fox, so you can sit around making rude remarks about Dems., and never criticize Marjorie Taylor Greene or Lauren Boeburt.

George W. Potts said...

Kneejerk negation. You should apply for a job as “fact checker” at Twitter or Facebook … shooting the messengers. Do you believe nothing in the CDC’s VAERS database? I think it is far more likely that this data is underreported than overreported.

George W. Potts said...

In order to clear your head of your wokeness, may I suggest you actually read a good number of the VAERS reports from doctors, hospitals and clinics. Then you can decide if the CDC CYA statement really applies. Or, is this too much work?

DEN said...

I already addressed YOUR claim that there are "significant risks" to getting vaccinated against COVID citing the American Thinker article. Now you chide me because I haven't checked out every claim in the VAERS database, none of which are juried. Here is a fact: 98% of the current hospitalizations are unvaccinated. How is your misinformation helping anyone?

George W. Potts said...

Since there are almost a million incidents reported in VAERS and we have had a little over 200 million vaccinated … I would say that is “significant” … particularly since VAERS is not capturing them all. (You do the math.)

And you again pull another rhetorical trick … I’m asking you to read a “good number” of case reports … lm not asking you to read them “all.” Try reading 30 of them if that is not too much. (Typical information avoidance. )

Just like your quoted number of hospitalizations of the unvaccinated … it’s 77% not 98% … see: “”
This means about 1 in 4 hospitalizations are fully vaccinated … and going north.
C’mon man! … please open your mind douse that fire in your hair.

DEN said...

I will not be drawn into a quibble about the % unvaxed hospital/death cases. Believe what you want to believe. Calling me names will not advance your unholy crusade to spread doubt about vaccine effectiveness and safety.

I am the first to admit that my math skills are wanting, but my bullshit-detector still works pretty well. There is no verifiable support for your assertion of "significant risks" from the vaccines. You deviously conflate "reported incidents" with real cases to serve your disinformation narrative. You are evil incarnate.

George W. Potts said...

Dueling pejoratives:
You are “close minded” … and I am “evil incarnate.” I think you win the kewpie doll.