Sunday, November 07, 2021

Annoying Factoid Errors

Watching Sunday morning TV programming this AM, I heard two whoppers:

Sea levels are rising an inch a year — the real number is more like an inch every 8 or 9 years (If it continues). See:  NOAA numbers.

There are 13,000 Covid deaths in the U.S. every  day — the actual number is currently around one thousand. See: CBS News story.

One would think that talking heads going on these important venues would have their facts straight?



ChillFin said...

Where do you get real facts? We all want to know.

George W. Potts said...

I just added such references to the post. Reread please.

ChillFin said...

NOAA is a credible source for climate data. Who told the whoppers?
For the COVID data, your link isn't CBS, it's NBC... both members of fake news. And who told the whoppers?

George W. Potts said...

I didn’t save their names. One was a woman on This Week (climate misinformation) and one was the White House spokesman on Chris Wallace (Covid deaths). Sorry about the network mixup … but does it really make a difference?

DEN said...

When not-George makes a mistake, it's a "whopper."
When George makes a mistake, it's a mere "Mixup"

Stand up for Straight Facts!

ChillFin said...

It does not make a difference if you mix up NBC and CBS but you lose credibility when you claim that one of two alleged fake news sources has the facts.

George W. Potts said...

I’ll worry about my mistakes when I get on Sunday-morning national TV.

George W. Potts said...

All you two birds ever counter with is innuendo. Every once in a while some credible well-sourced facts would be a welcome change.

DEN said...

That last comment gave me a chuckle. You constantly cite sketchy fringe right wing sources for your "facts." Were you disappointed when JFK JR failed to show up at the grassy knoll last week?

ChillFin said...

I’m still working on the scions-on-rootstocks vs. purging/castrating male live births in birds and mammals. Facts are still getting vetted..,

George W. Potts said...

Two caustic trogs … who
Rather than kick a dog
Comment on this blog.

ChillFin said...

Let's go, George Potts !
Good night and good luck...

George W. Potts said...

Apparently, this insult street is one-way.

ChillFin said...

I want logical discourse with you by remarking on unsubstantiated or alternative thoughts. I now get that you intend your blog to have comments by loyal supporters who agree with everything you say. If you don't like the comments, shut off comments. I'll help out by no longer commenting.

DEN said...

Me too