Tuesday, September 21, 2021

Obvious Truth

Those who consider themselves elite Americans … or our ruling class …  generally despise Donald Trump on a visceral level … and even excuse the treachery that their like-minded countrymen have leveled against him. Otherwise-Americans … and we are rife …  are angry, disheartened and quite worried by the likely calamitous consequence of such a disconnect … and what it might take to return to the America we all loved. … or even, if we can return. — Fletcher



DEN said...

This captures the fatal flaw of conservatism. Historically Liberals have always won the culture wars. Much as you would like to go back to the America of the 40's- 60s, it is a pipe dream. (What's in your pipe?)
Gays will not go back into the closet, immigrants will not go back home, women and black/brown people will not be ignored. Maybe you loud, screechy, unhappy 30% should try loving the America that is. You are outnumbered, out-voted, and out-gunned.

DEN said...

Most of those "unsustainable extremes" are just a silly list of Fox talking points. The liberal media is just as guilty of getting us riled up about conservative closed-mindedness to any changes. Media on both sides sells fear as its main message.
I do not celebrate all changes, but daddy told me never to stand in front of an oncoming train.