Friday, April 02, 2021

Today’s Poser


I was explaining to my granddaughter that today was the day that Jesus Christ was killed on the cross. Looking quizzically at me she asked, “Why then is it called Good Friday?”

I had no answer ...



ChillFin said...

Google it.

George W. Potts said...

George W. Potts said...
This morning we asked Alexa this question. she Googled it and only said it had a few names ... including Black Friday ... but didn’t explain the “good” part. bTW, I use DuckDuckGo ...

ChillFin said...

I got that “good” had evolved to denote “pious” and “holy.” Most of us don’t call out the other days from Palm Sunday to Easter yet they are mostly “Holy. “. I think that the washing of feet on Holy Thursday might take more explanation. The last supper is pretty easy to grasp.

George W. Potts said...

And how about “anointed my head with oil?” I’ve often speculated that this was their treatment for lice?

ChillFin said...

It’s the whole body anointing with oil that gets you in trouble.

Anonymous said...

How about Good Friday being about the Salvation given by His death on the cross, for our sins. We didn't deserve it, we don't deserve it, but all we have to do is willingly accept it, and it is ours, in His name. That is what makes it "Good."