Friday, February 12, 2021

Video Editing


The House Impeachment Managers edited out of President Trump’s speech to the Washington, D.C. demonstrators the word “peacefully” (and patriotically protest).  As though this didn’t alter his intent! OK pilgrims, let’s do a little video editing of JFK and MLK Jr.

Instead of:

“Ask not what your country can do for you. Ask what you can do for your country.” — JFK


Ask [] what your country can do for you. Ask [not] what you can do for your country. — JFK


Instead of:

“I look to a day when people will not be judged by the color of their skin, but by the content of their character.” ~ MLK Jr.


I look to a day when people will [] be judged by the color of their skin, but [not] by the content of their character. ~ MLK Jr.

If this were a real trial, the House Managers would be bodily ejected from the courtroom!



ChillFin said...

"Statistically impossible to have lost the 2020 Election," Trump, a Republican, tweeted on Dec. 20. "Big protest in DC on January 6th. Be there, will be wild!"

George W. Potts said...

And if I too believe it was statistically impossible, I should be hanged too on the gallows that Mayor Bowser and Speaker Pelosi are allowing to be built outside the Capitol? You birds have gone beyond crazy ... into your own Clockwork Orange sanitarium world.

ChillFin said...

I just copied a Trump tweet that I think was more inciteful as the extremists knew it was the one last chance to alter the count and it was at the Capitol. It focused on the Senate and Pence. The rally was just a rally.

ChillFin said...

I don’t think the gallows builders got a permit.

ChillFin said...

“Statistically impossible” and “canceling 75M Trump voters” are absurd statements. We have hss as d a closely balanced House and Senate for many years now. Why is hard to accept that while Trump’s zealots were more impassioned than ever that many Republicans were craving a moderate at the tiller so either took a pass or voted Biden?

ChillFin said...

You of all people cannot say that some 180 million people voted in a country of 330 million and 75 million voted for one candidate yet were losers is impossible. That’s statistics. Psychologically impossible for some perhaps.

ChillFin said...

The Clockwork Orange characters are your Proud Boys.

ChillFin said...

If Trump is acquitted, he will file for President in 2024 in the Patriots party. Half the GOP Congress will join him thus making both into minority parties. The Patriots will get more like George Wallace’s party, getting more extreme until it self-destructs. Dems will rule without challenge... until they break up somewhere down the road.

George W. Potts said...

Wow! Your fingers must be tired. Take a deep breath and reflect a little. BTW, I don’t think trump will run in 2024. But someone else will take up the cause ... and likely win this country ... whatever is left of it.

ChillFin said...

A shattered GOP will finally reset the unnatural balance of two nearly equal parties and several longshots

ChillFin said...

Trump organically requires a rally within 40 days.

George W. Potts said...

Establishment Republicans are the walking dead. And to predict Trump is a very unrewarding endeavor. I suspect he will fade out of sight. Watch for Cruz, Hawley or Pompeo to step forward to lead his MAGA movement.