Thursday, July 16, 2020

Obvious Truth

Rolbert De Niro

I’ve said this before ... but it’s worth repeating — because of the demands of their profession, the better the actor, the more proficient they are at lying. Therefore, the more famous the actor, the less they should be listened to in real life.


ChillFin said...

Agreed. Ronald Reagan. Donald Trump. Trump is so famous that i do not listen to him at all.

George W. Potts said...

I was talking about actors ... not Just famous people.

ChillFin said...

Ronnie made many movies and was even the head of the Screen Actors Guild. Donnie had a highly successful TV series that ran for several seasons. They were actors. They played roles. They delivered scripted scenes wherein they were honestly persuasive. Not lying. Acting.

George W. Potts said...

OK, given. But I thought you were talking about the Orangeman. (And Reagan was never considered a great actor.)

ChillFin said...

I was talking about the Orangeman. The Apprentice starring Donald Trump ran for 14 seasons (182 shows) and gained Donald at least 200 million dollars. Was he acting? It certainly was not a documentary... or was it?

George W. Potts said...

I hope you are not claiming that Trump is a good actor ...