Thursday, June 04, 2020

The Backstory

There is always more to the story than meets the eye (or gets generally reported). And such is the case in the Minneapolis charge of murder of George Floyd by the police officer, Derek Chauvin. It seems that these two very likely knew each other quite well ... as they both worked together most Tuesday nights for 17 years at the Minneapolis Latin music club, El Nuevo Rodeo ... according to a Minneapolis city council member. Don’t believe me? See: Gossip on This. And, if you think this is not a reputable source, try this one: CBS News Story. But have these facts filtered into the media narrative you have seen till now? How can this happen? This is clearly a vital piece of the story!

Thus, this killing cannot be considered a random racial event ... yet this is exactly how it has been displayed by the people who likely expected the race riots that ensued ... and the looting and carnage. This reportage is just not sloppy and naive ... it is possibly even  criminal ... like yelling FIRE! in a crowded theater. Why didn’t Chauvin recognize his workmate and back off? What had gone on between these two that caused Chauvin to keep his knee on Floyd’s throat for three minutes after his pulse had stripped? Why didn’t the other three cops stop their alpha dog? These are all questions reporters should have already attempted to answer.

I sincerely believe that he ultimate goal of this elided news reportage was to once again try to take down the Orangeman with controversy. Yes, the real reason for Floyd’s death is likely to come out in Chauvin’s trial many months from now ... but the damage to our cities and our race relations may take a lot longer to be repaired. What enters the minds of our news media to be so irresponsible?


Truthifuss said...

This was heavily reported in the media all along. It is not something that nobody knew and no one talked about. Also your theory that the other three were not indicted because of ethnic considerations has been debunked as are most of your conspiracy theories.

George W. Potts said...

I am verplunked ...

George W. Potts said...

Your comment has nothing to do with this post ... and, I think that the Mostly Cajun picture just asked why weren’t the pictures of the other three cops readily available? My annotation suggested that one was Asian, one was white, one was black and one was unclear. I concede now that this last one is indeed white. Thus only 2 whites ... which cuts across the media narrative ... and maybe why these pictures were not readily available (until the country was on fire?)