Wednesday, March 04, 2020

Too Few Selfies

Lizzie Warren loses big in her home state of Massachusetts ...


DEN said...

Well that is disappointing. But on the other hand, the guy Trump fears most has risen from the dead.
IMO, The key to the November election will be turnout. If Democrats can get unified and bring out the people who stayed home in the 2016 election (Bernie Bro Independents), we could see Trump frog-marched out of the White House hopefully into a waiting paddy wagon. Pausing briefly for a selfie with newly-promoted General Vindman.

George W. Potts said...

Something like 12% of Bernie Bro’s voted for Trump last time. This rime it likely will be higher ... or they won’t vote ... unless Biden makes him VP ... a very unlikely event.

DEN said...

NOBODY thought that Trump would actually win in 2016. They will not repeat that error this time. (15,000 lies later)

BTW, In the ward where I worked on Tuesday, 98% of un-enrolled asked for a Democratic ballot.
I wonder if that happened in other places.

George W. Potts said...

Operation Chaos ... Republicans voting for Sanders

ChillFin said...

Where I voted the R ballot was Trump vs Bill Weld. That would a great debate. Speaking of which, Joe could bring some dignity back to politics by refusing to debate live. Send in written questions and his team will respond in the op-ed pages within a couple days. As it was done for thousands of years
Shooting from the hip is cage-match barbarism not mature discourse on America’s issues.

George W. Potts said...

I thought we elected a person ... not a “team?” If it is Trump v. Biden, you better hope that there are no debates.