Wednesday, February 27, 2019

So What ...

Michael Cohen will do his level best to eviscerate President Trump in public House Oversight Committee hearings today. He will use every card in the Democrat deck ... Trump is a liar, a racist, a cheat, a con man, a misogynist and a traitor ... in other words, there is a rail, a vat of hot tar and a pillow-full of of feathers that needs to be used on this man as soon as he returns from Hanoi ... where he is doing his level best to eliminate North Korea’s threat to unleash a nuclear winter.

Obviously it is not coincidental that the House Democrats are trying to rain on Trump’s Vietnam parade. Politics is politics after all. And it is also fairly obvious that a man facing three years in prison for, among other things, lying to Congress ... might abandon his vow to take a bullet for Trump. Instead, he is doing his damnedest to shoot Trump clear through the heart. Somehow this dramatic U-turn on Cohen’s part does not put a shine on his character.

But, you know what? I don’t think that Cohen’s open-hearing mud balls will have the expected effect on Trump. I could be wrong, but I think most Trump supporters (not loyalists) understand our president’s foibles ... and, although not happy about them, still appreciate that there are far bigger things at stake here. If Trump can keep us from being vaporized by nukes from any adversary, we can overlook a payoff to a porn star. To me, so what ... it is the Democrats and Cohen who are appearing the most sullied in this whole sordid sideshow.


DEN said...

Obvious Truth: We see what we want to see.
Cohen's exhibits provide irrefutable evidence that Trump was elected under false pretenses. The Republican inquisitors look foolish and petty. That said, Cohen just might be the most honest character in the hearing room.

George W. Potts said...

Are you including all the Democrat inquisitors there too?

DEN said...

oh, yes.

DEN said...

The Dems at Kavanaugh Senate confirmation hearing were equally odious.