Tuesday, June 26, 2018


How many anecdotes, one-ofs  and isolated incidents does it take to define  reality and shake our spittle-flecked liberals out of their state of denial? Trump IS MAGA!


DEN said...

Trump thinks he should get a Nobel prize for re-uniting families (that the spittle flecked Dems have torn asunder).

George W. Potts said...

I think Maxine looks better spittle flecked ...

DEN said...

She does not represent me. I don't cotton to public shaming or blocking traffic.

George W. Potts said...

Aha! A crack in the resistance facade ...

DEN said...

Kim has shown Trump as just another US dupe.
MAGA? My nestegg gets smaller every time that feckless idiot spews more spittle-flecked dumbass tariff threats.

George W. Potts said...

"Just anther uS dupe" -- like Bill Clinton, George W. Bush and Barack Obama?

DEN said...

Yup, and you can thank your buddy Dick Cheney for isolating N.Korea (axis of evil) and undoing Clinton's efforts to rein in the nukes. Trump's vaunted negotiating skills are a tale told by a (spittle flecked) idiot. Signifying nada.

George W. Potts said...

So it's OK if Trump decides to destroy their nuclear capabilities? Amd, in case you have forgotten, B. Clinton's negotiating skills had the US building the Norks their first nuclear reactor. How nice of us.