Monday, November 26, 2012

One Man, One Vote

Breitbart carries a story of how the mentally disabled are voting for Democrats in great numbers as a result of semi-fraudulent activities at their group homes, see: Breitbart Story. This scheme is well known to me … for I used to help my Down Syndrome brother-in-law vote for Republicans … to the seething outrage of my liberal friends. I registered him (with his “X”) and went into the voting booth with him to show him how and for whom to vote. Even though I disapprove of this process, I did this primarily to exhibit the ludicrousness of this cornerstone of the liberal voting agenda --- “one man, one vote.”

Every warm body over the age of eighteen SHOULD NOT VOTE. The fact that one political party can organize large numbers of mentally-disabled or non compos mentis people into doing something of which they have no understanding is clearly not just undemocratic … it is immoral. Because those in the wagon have much more free time than those pulling the wagon, this gives them the opportunity to load more of the fringes of our society into the wagon … and will eventually lead to those of us pulling the wagon to be unable to continue.

How to fix things? Number one, anybody who cannot read and understand a simple English paragraph should not be given a ballot. Number two, all voters should have some valid form of picture identification proving their citizenship. Number three, there should not be any method of proxy voting which cannot be unambiguously tracked back to an individual citizen. Number four, all voters must go into the voting booth and vote alone … no helpers permitted.

Will this make voting more difficult? Possibly at the margin it will, but we have too long been permissively expanding the opportunities for voter fraud which is clearly not democratic.  And we need to stop using that phony liberal shibboleth, “one man, one vote.”


DEN said...

It's OK to commit voter fraud to show Liberals that "one man one vote" is a ludicrous slogan?
Analogy: Robbing a bank to demonstrate that robbing banks is wrong.
I suspect that the author of the Breitbart piece would be less outraged at your "semi-fraudulent" voting booth activities, since you were on the "right" side. Situational ethics is a common and bipartisan malady.
I heartily agree with the voter restrictions you suggest, and would support more severe punishment for those who engage in voter fraud, and for election officials who fail to enforce laws, or who actively thwart the rights of citizens.

George W. Potts said...

You miss the point my dear Watson. What I did with my brother-in-law was NOT fraudulent. It was perfectly legal. My point was that I think it was immoral, but, being that it was but one "R" vote in a sea of "D"s, it was a venal sin. Doing it on a massive scale was a cardinal sin ... but still legal. I suggest like you, that it should be outlawed.
Signed, N.S. Sherlock